Symptom Possible cause Test Solution
No function
Missing input power See startup guide for voltage checks. Correct voltage at source.
Missing or open fuses or circuit
breaker tripped
See open fuses and tripped circuit
breaker in this section for possible
Reset circuit breaker. If fuses, check for
opens with power removed from panel.
Loose connections in panel Perform pre-startup check for loose
Tighten loose connections in the panel.
Missing customer connections Missing customer connections can cause
the safety circuit or start signal to be
See customer connections and make
sure all applicable connections are
made or jumpers installed, especially
customer interlock.
Loose customer connections Check all customer connections for
tightness. Loose customer connections
can act like an open circuit.
Tighten loose customer connections.
Customer wires incorrectly terminated See customer connection drawing and
make sure wires are connected to correct
Correct any wrong connections. This
could potentially cause damage to the
Improper voltage applied See pre-startup check list. Correct the voltage mismatch. This
could potentially damage the panel.
Use caution when applying power.
Incorrect power connections See pre-startup check list to see if motor
and power leads were swapped.
Correct any wrong connections. This
could potentially cause damage to the
Power disconnect open Verify that the disconnect or circuit
breaker is closed.
Correct any wrong connections. This
could potentially cause damage to the
Operator switches off Verify that operator devices are in
operating position per startup
Set switches to the correct position.
OL tripped A tripped OL will disable the motor from
running. Verify that OL relay is in the
normal operating position per the
Perform pre-startup checklist and set
OL per instructions.
Open power
fuses or
breaker trip
Improper voltage applied See pre-startup check list and correct
improper voltages.
Correct voltage mismatch. This could
potentially damage the panel. Use
caution when applying power.
Incorrect power connections. Motor and line voltages swapped. Make
sure the line in and motor out are on
the correct terminals. See pre-startup
check list.
Correct any wrong connections. This
could potentially cause damage to the
Power ground fault Check motor and panel power wires to
Eliminate any ground faults detected.
Phase to phase short Motor or panel has a short phase to
phase. Check motor and panel phase to
phase for shorts.
Eliminate any shorts detected.
Motor overload Motor is overloaded for the application. Perform startup and verify motor
current is within specifications. If motor
current is exceeding nameplate FLA,
reduce the load on the motor.
Drive overload Drive is overloaded for the application. Perform startup and verify that drive
current is within specifications. If not,
reduce the load on the motor.
Loose connections Perform pre-startup check for loose
Tighten loose connections.
Table 7.3 Fault Table
Start Up Troubleshooting