Be sure to properly remove the USB flash drive from the PC (click on “Safely
Remove Hardware” icon in the Taskbar) so that no files are lost. If Windows is
not notified that the USB flash drive is about to be removed, then it may not write
all files to the flash drive.
The flash drive can now be used to configure the BlueFlyers unit. Take the USB
flash drive to the location of the BlueFlyers unit. Plug the flash drive into a USB
slot on BlueFlyers. Turn the BlueFlyers’ power on or cycle its power if it is
currently on.
When BlueFlyers finishes booting, it will check for files on the flash drive. The
unit will copy the flyer’s files and the configuration files from the flash drive, and it
will copy its current logs to the flash drive. When this operation is complete, the
unit will produce a 1 second long beep at 800Hz. The flash drive may be
removed from the unit after this beep.
The unit will then start the required applications. Once all applications are
running, the unit will produce two short beeps that rise in frequency: the first at
440Hz for ¼ second, the second at 660Hz for ¼ second. The unit is now
If an FM transmitter is being used, plug its mini-stereo plug into the BlueFlyers’
headphone output jack.
To review the logs that the BlueFlyers stored on the flash drive, plug the USB
flash drive into the computer and use the BlueFlyers Wizard application to view
the logs.
Repeat this process when a new advertisement flyer is to be loaded on to the
BlueFlyers unit.