There are several advanced networking modes supported by the BlueFlyers unit.
Use of these modes is optional. Remote FTP and HTTP access to the unit can
be enabled to allow updating flyers and access to logs over a network
connection. This mode requires an Ethernet connection to a network or the
Internet. If advanced networking is not needed, click the radio button next to
“Disable Remote Access” and click the Next button.
If remote access is not enabled, then the next screen shown will be the power
level screen. The FTP ports, HTTP port, DHCP/static IP address, and unit
networking screens will be skipped.
Remote access mode allows FTP and HTTP access into the unit over a network.
This FTP mode should not to be confused with Bluetooth FTP mode.
Bluetooth FTP mode allows a Bluetooth device to connect over Bluetooth and
copy the flyer from the unit. Bluetooth FTP only provides access to the directory
containing the flyer and does not allow anything to be copied onto the unit.
Remote access FTP mode requires a user name and password to connect to the
unit by FTP and the connection is made over Ethernet. This mode provides read
and write access to the BlueFlyers’ configuration directories. The directory
structure mirrors the structure built on the USB flash drive, plus there are two
extra directories. The layout is as follows: