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Obtain global port configuration from ISP : [Yes] .. under claiming
IP address of global port : []
SubNetmask of global port : []
Device name : [Untitled]
Domain name : [Domain]
Gateway : []
Primary DNS server : []
Secondary DNS server : []
After executing the set command, the current settings will appear on the screen one at a time.
Press Enter to accept the current value in the bracket or input new value and then press Enter
to change the value. Press <Esc> at any time to abort this command.
Press <ENTER> if you agree with the default value,
or <ESC> to escape.
IP address of local port [] :
SubNetmask of local port [] :
Distribute IP address to local computers ?(Yes/No) [Yes] :
Continuous IP address pool start at [] :
Number of IP address in pool [128] :
Enable PPPoE ?(Yes/No) [No] :
Obtain global port configuration from ISP ?(Yes/No) [Yes] :
IP address of global port [] :