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Factory Reset
If for any reason, e.g. password being forgotten, you have to reset this device to factory
default settings. By performing the Factory Reset, the current settings will be lost and the
settings are reseted to default.
The fctory default values is detailed in the section Factory Default Settings.
Figure 26
“I can't find the product using the GUI Setup Software”
For the GUI Setup Software to find the device, it has to be accessed from a client. This means
that the computer you are trying to use to run the software must be setup as described in the
section Configuration in GUI. Also, the computer should be restarted to ensure that it is
receiving IP address from the device.
To verify that your computer’s TCP/IP protocol is setup properly, use the "winipcfg" utility in
Windows (95, 98, and 98Me). To run this, go to Start-->Run, type "winipcfg" in the Run box,
and then click “OK”. Make sure the Network Adapter Card is selected and then press the
"More Info" button on the bottom right hand corner.
Look at the box labeled DHCP Server, this should be the product's IP address ( as
default). If it is not, or it is blank or reads then you may have a cabling problem
(see above), or you may have another DHCP server on your network. In either case, please
follow the installation guide again, and ONLY connect the device, the client, and your modem
together. If you are on a network, it is recommended that you contact your IS manager for
further assistance with DHCP settings. Placing an IP Sharing Device that passes out IP