TVP-224HR User’s Guide
1 out of 1 pings succeeded.
If the ping times out, you do not have Internet
Access. Please refer to the trouble shooting
section of the User Manual or consult your ISP to
make sure your Internet Access Data is correct
and accurately entered into the TVP-224HR.
The following commands enable / disable web and
telnet access respectively.
Net set http <on/off>
Net set telnet <on/off>
Console> on / off
To reset to Factory Default settings, please
perform the following commands to:
Erase all 'port', 'codec' & 'h323' configuration
config erase
Then access dial plan edit mode by entering
atpm req
Purge the dial plan from the database
atpm purge all
Store the changes
atpm store
Reset the network configuration to default
net set fac_default
Key in "yes" to re-boot.
Appendix C - Connecting through Telnet
To use Telnet, Internet Access must have been previously setup so that the gateway
is visible on the internet (See User Guide for More Information). Alternatively, you can
use Telnet to locally access the TVP-224HR, if you are under a router or switch and
the TVP-224HR and your computer are in the same network segment.
To access the TVP-224HR Gateway from a remote location using Telnet, perform the
following tasks:
Task Prompt Type
Open the windows command prompt and enter the
telnet command followed by the IP address of the TVP-
224HR Gateway you want to access.
When the TVP-224HR Gateway prompts you to Login,
enter the user name "admin”
Login: admin
When the TVP-224HR Gateway prompts you for
Password, enter the password. “Console>” will appear.
The default password is "123" but it is recommended that
the password be changed for security considerations.
Password: 123