1.2 Networking Protocols
The TVP-224HR supports several industry-standard networking protocols
required for voice communication. The following table describes these protocols.
Networking Protocol Description
Internet Protocol (IP) IP is a messaging protocol that addresses and sends packets
across the network. To enable IP protocol, the TVP-224HR
must have a Real IP address, subnet, and gateway assigned
to it.
Voice over IP Protocol
VoIP enables the TVP-224HR to transfer voice
communications over an IP network. The TVP-224HR
employs ITU-T H.323 protocol for setting up calls with
one another.
Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP)
TFTP allows you to transfer files over the network. The
TVP-224HR implements a TFTP client allowing you to
download new revision firmware from a TFTP server. The
TFTP client requires a TFTP server in your network.
Real-Time Transport
RTP is a standard for transporting real-time data over IP
network. The TVP-224HR uses RTP protocol to send
digitized and compressed voice packets.
1.3 Package Contents
The contents of your product should contain the following items:
• TVP-224HR VoIP Gateway Router 4 port n
• 100-240V Power Adapter
• 9-pin straight through RS-232 cable
• Printed Quick Installation Guide
• User’s guide (CD)
• RJ45 Cable
1.4 Front Panel
The front panel of the TVP-224HR contains a push button and LED indicators.
The following figure illustrates the front panel of the TVP-224HR.
4-port TVP-224HR Front Panel