Broadband VPN Gateway User Guide
Upload Button
After you have received a Certificate, use this to upload the certifi-
cate to the Broadband VPN Router.
You must select the correct certificate request, so the Broadband
VPN Router can correctly match the request and the certificate.
New Request
Use this to generate a new request to be supplied to a CA (Certifica-
tion Authority). See the following section for details.
Requesting a Private Certificate
The Broadband VPN Gateway must generate a request for the CA. This request must then be supplied to the CA. The procedure is as
1. On the Self Certificates screen, click the New Request button to view the first screen of the Private Certificate Request procedure,
shown below.
Figure 81: Private Certificate Request (1)
2. Complete this screen.
Enter a name which helps to identify this particular certifi-
cate. This name is only for your reference, it is not visible to
other people.
This is the name which other organizations will see as the
Holder (owner) of this Certificate. This should be your
registered business name or official company name. Gener-
ally, all Certificates should have the same value in the
Subject field.
Hash Algorithm
Select the desired option.