
3 Hazardous Identification
This product is not classified as hazardous according to EC directive 91/155/EC
May cause irritation to eyes and skin.
Irritating to respiratory system in the form of a mist.
Contact with hot product may cause burns.
Product is a lubricant and in the event of untreated spillage, can cause external surfaces to
become slippery when wet
4 First Aid Measures
Used lubricant may become contaminated with pumped product, also verify precautions and
advice against relevant product information
4.1 Ingestion
Give 500 ml of Water to drink
Except as a deliberate act, the ingestion of large amounts of product is unlikely. If this should
occur, do not; induce vomiting, obtain medical advice.
4.2 Inhalation
If inhalation of fumes from overheated material causes irritation to the nose or throat, or
coughing, remove to fresh air. Obtain medical advice if any symptoms persist.
4.3 Skin Contact
Wash thoroughly with mild soap and water as soon as reasonably practical.
Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash underlying skin
4.4 Eye Contact
Wash eye thoroughly with copious amounts of water, ensuring eyelids are held open.
Obtain medical advice if any pain or redness develops or persists.
5 Fire Fighting Measures
Used lubricant may become contaminated with pumped product, also verify precautions and
advice against relevant product information
5.1 Extinguishing Media
Alcohol resistant foam, dry powder or water fog