
Part Number 550-110-711/1108
CGi-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Prepare boiler — pressure test
Hydrostatic pressure test
Pressure test boiler before attaching water or gas piping
(except as noted below) or electrical supply.
Prepare boiler for test
1. Removetheshippingnipple(fromCGi-4Esupply
tapping) and remove the boiler relief valve. Tempo-
pipe plug.
2. Remove1¼”nipple,reducingteeanddrainvalve
from circulator hardware and pressure/temperature
gauge carton. Install in boiler return connection
as shown on page 3 and Figure 42, page 64. Install
circulator on either the return or supply.
3. Remove1¼”nipple,1¼”x1¼”x½”teeandpres-
sure/temperature gauge from circulator hardware
and pressure/temperature gauge carton. Pipe to
boiler supply connection as shown on page 3 and
Figure 42, page 64. (Use pipe dope sparingly.)
4. Connectahosetoboilerdrainvalve,theotherend
connected to a fresh water supply. Make sure hose
can also be used to drain boiler after test.
5. Connectanippleandshutoffvalvetosystemsupply
included with boiler.)
6. Connectanippleandshutoffvalvetosystemre-
turn connection (at circulator flange if circulator
installed on return). This valve will be used to bleed
with boiler.)
Fill and pressure test
1. Open the shutoff valves you installed on supply and
return connections.
2. Slowlyopenboilerdrainvalveandfreshwatersup-
ply to fill boiler with water.
3. When water flows from shutoff valves, close boiler
drain valve.
4. Closeshutoffvalves.
5. Slowlyreopenboilerdrainvalveuntiltestpressure
on the pressure/temperature gauge reaches no more
45 psig for boilers with 30 psig relief valve.
75 psig for boilers with 50 psig relief valve.
Test for no more than 10 minutes at:
• 45 psig for boilers with 30 psig relief valve.
75 psig for boilers with 50 psig relief valve.
Do not leave boiler unattended.
A cold water fill could expand and
cause excessive pressure, resulting
in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
7. Make sure constant gauge pressure has been main-
Leaks must be repaired at once.
Failure to do so can damage boiler,
resulting in substantial property
Donotusepetroleum-based clean-
ing or sealing compounds in boiler
system. Severedamage to boiler
will occur, resulting in substantial
property damage.
Drain and remove fittings
1. Disconnectllwaterhosefromwatersource.
2. Drainboileratdrainvalveorouthose,whichever
provides best access to drain. Remove hose after
draining if used to drain boiler.
3. Remove nipples and valves unless they will remain
for use in the system piping.
4. Removeplugfromreliefvalvetapping.Seepage20
to replace relief valve.