CGi-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Part Number 550-110-711/1108
Start-up — preparation7a
Check for gas leaks
ing initial operation, smell near the
floor and around the boiler for gas
odorantor anyunusualodor.Do
not proceed with start-up if there is
any indication of a gas leak. Repair
any leak at once.
Propane boilers only—Yourpro-
pane supplier mixes an odorant with
the propane to make its presence
detectable. In some instances, the
odorant can fade and the gas may
no longer have an odor.
• Propane gas canaccumulate
floor for the gas odorant or any
unusual odor. If you suspect a
leak, do not attempt to light the
• Use cautionwhen attempting
to light the propane pilot. This
should be done by a qualified
service technician, particularly
if pilot outages are common.
• Periodically check the odorant
level of your gas.
• Inspectboilerandsystematleast
yearly to make sure all gas piping
is leak-tight.
• Consult your propanesupplier
regarding installation of a gas
leak detector. There are some
products on the market intended
may be able to suggest an appro-
priate device.
Determine if water treatment is needed
Donotusepetroleum-based cleaning or sealing
will occur, resulting in substantial property damage.
Eliminateallsystemleaks.Continualfresh makeup
water will reduce boiler life. Minerals can build up in
sections, reducing heat transfer, overheating cast iron,
and causing section failure.
Verify water chemistry
Freeze protection (when used)
Use antifreeze made especially for hydronic systems. Inhibited propylene
glycol is recommended.
Donotuseethylene glycol, automotive or undiluted
1. Determine
antifreeze quantity according to system water content.
sion tank water content.
2. Follow antifreeze manufacturer’s instructions.
3. A50%solutionofpropyleneglycol/waterprovidesmaximumprotec-
tion to about -30°F.
4. Local codes may require
back ow preventer or actual disconnect
from city water supply.
5. When using antifreeze in a system with automatic fill, install a water
metertomonitor water makeup.Glycolwillleakbeforethewater
begins to leak, causing glycol level to drop. Added water will dilute the
antifreeze, reducing the freeze protection level.