1. Befcre you call for service :
It y(~)iir rai:yG does not st’t’rll to bcl operating pr(>pe~-Iv. check the
foilo~c~~~~~ tl(‘!ori’ cail~ng fc~t- SerL’Ice
If nothing operates:
8 !b 117~ range plugged into an operating outlet or wired into a live circuit
:Litt> the i)1op~3 voltage’? (See Installation Instructions.)
@ ti,l\_; ~:ou chvclt;ed the main fuse or circuit-breaker box’
If 2.11 oven will not operate:
e I(> +Iw proper Oven Selector Knob (upper or lower) turned to a setting
:ZAKE t-jr RKC)IL. but not TIMED)?
Q !; !j;e :~oper iIi,en Temperature Control Knob (upper or lower)
::r!-nt,d lo a temperature setting”
if surface units will not operate:
@ !-!sI-P yc,,u checked the main fuse or circuit-breaker box?
~1 A:.r~ ,!:rla;e uillts plugged in all the way?
@ 1;~; !i~e c‘r,lltro! knobs turn?
If surface-unnt Control Knob or Knobs will not turn:
@A i5 ‘!I<’ spririq i>llt iii correctly. as shown on page 14 in the “Cleaning
and Ca.;-ly io: your Range” Section?
e Did 1, ‘111 plush !n before trying to turn’?
If soil 1s visible ore Continuous Cleaning Oven finish (upper oven):
* ??P <ppcial finish is designed to gradually reduce oven soil during
ri,:)rrr-ai baking or roasting. It is not designed to keep your oven
~;:-ilb ;>resentably clean
$1 i; 1 (!!I her: c;fterl iJ:iil mav see oven soil.
* %e fio!11 ,5 c!~ol~~i than oven walls. Soil will be more visible on the
,:jcm:- ;!MJJ nihe: areas in the oven. See page10 : “Your Continuous
, ‘I
I_ ,c<2,1::!‘j C.!LJl1
Yf the .ir?f-C‘lc>az?it;g Cycle will not operate (lower oven):
; ‘1~ QL.~‘:-I &lcctor Knob and the Oven Temperature Control
Knob set to “(:I EArY?”
@ Dues t+c- i;Ic?rt i line Knob show the correct time of day?
a !c ti-,p
‘;roi~ l‘!mc> K;lc?b set ahead to the time you want the cleaning
CI.CIP :O 5tm’j
a :< the, i<,ck’Lc=L,tlr all tile way to the right? (The Clean Light will come
If cooking results aren’t what you expect:
c I, ‘5
<’ I 1,( c it’\ i’l;
Q .4:-e wu IISI:!~ pan> recommended II-I the Cooking Guide’>
@ If hdk:r:!1 lhr\~c VO\I allowed 1’2 to 2 inches (3-5 cm) on all sides of
the pan‘, for ant- clrculation7)
R 00~‘~ :h(, ~Y.I::~ :cDmperature seem too 10~~ or too high’? See page 6.
‘Rcwtt:r-ig ‘r ,:::
Oven Temperature Control Knob.”
Q Have VC:I: jptt~ileattd the oven as the recipe calls for’?
0 ?‘,I-$, :j1.
AI-I” tl;i; XL? called fol- In the recipe3
@ Al'? L (:I; roilr,~.; :11y a tc>sted recipe from a reliable source?
* / I(, :!;k.
c’;:)A~;:g utcnslls have smooth. flat bottoms’>
m IL ) the /-, ,IlklrKJ
utensils fit the surface unit being used’)
<,y j ;;c
Cooking Guide for more information on cooking prob-
Ic’rrs I’ !tl !Fo.\,., “) -\oI\,tx tht,m