< Remove the locking
screw; NOTICE position
of notches.
Lower: move black part
toward “LO.”
One notch equals about
10°F (5LC).
Higher: move black
part toward “HI.”
One notch equals about
10°F (5°C).
Minute Timer
Resetting the Oven Temperature Control Knob:
Does your new oven seem hotter or colder than your old oven?
The temperatures in older ovens often shift very gradually, getting hotter
or colder without the user really noticing the change. Your new oven is
properly adlusted to provide accurate temperatures. but when compared
to your old range, the new design may give you different baking results. If
you think that the temperature setting on your range needs to be hotter or
colder. you can adjust the Temperature Control Knob by yourself.
To adjust the setting, first pull the Oven Temperature Control Knob
straight off On the back. lust across from the locking screw. are a row of
notches on the black part of the knob and one tooth on the chrome part.
To set your oven about 10 F(5’C) cooler. remove the locking
screw and move the row of notches one notch closer to “LO ‘~ To set your
oven about 1O-F(5’C) warmer, move the row of notches one notch
closer to “HI ” Each notch equals about lO’F(5’C)
Replace the locking screw
Settinq the clock to the correct time of day
1. Push in the Minute Timer Knob and turn it clockwise until the digits
show the correct time of day.
2. The Minute Timer dial will turn as you set the clock. When clock is set.
let the knob pop out. Then. while it is out. turn the Minute Timer hand
counter-clockwise to “OFF.” If you push in on the knob when setting
the Minute Timer. you will change the setting of the clock.
Using the Minute Timer
Turn the knob until the minutes you want to time show in the
window. When the time you set is up. a buzzer will sound. Turn the dial to
“OFF“ to stop the buzzer
The Minute Timer does not start or stop cooking. It only buzzes
when the time you set is up. It can be used to time almost any cooking
operation. It can even remind you of other things (like when to add
softener to the washer).
For the most accurate timing. turn the knob past the time you
want Then turn it back to the settlng
Using the automatic MEALTIMER’ clock
The automatic feature of the MEALTIMER- Clock lets you be away
from home when the oven starts. or when it stops. It will turn on and off
nutomntlcally. or lust turn off automatically. Either oven can be used.
L-et‘s say y(>u have a roast that will take four hours to cook Dinner
IS supposed to be at 6 00. but you have an appointment at 1:30 and you
knoic you Lvon‘t get home until at least 4.00 When do you have time to
put in the roast”
With the Automatic MEALTIMER’ Clock. it’s easy Just before you
leave for your appcointment. put the roast in the oven, set the start time for
2.00 and the stop tlrne for 6 00 (four hours) Set the Upper or Lower
O\fen Selector to “TIMED” and set the corresponding Oven Temperature
Conrrol Knob for the temperature you want Then leave. The oven will
start at 2 00. bake for four hours at the selected temperature. and shut off
at 6 00