
6 Chapter 2
Hardware Requirements
Depending on your operating system, be sure the machine(s) to which you will install
WDM meets or exceeds the minimum system requirements shown in Table 1 for 32-bit
operating systems or in Table 2 for 64-bit operating systems (as these are general
guidelines, be sure to refer to your operating system documentation for details on
hardware requirements).
IMPORTANT: The actual free space required depends on the number and size of the
packages you register, as well as the number of devices you will be managing (the WDM
Database size). The minimum free space shown assumes the WDM Database and
packages require that amount of space.
Software Requirements
WDM 4.9.1 supports the English versions of software shown in Table 3. Installing the
latest version of each software package is highly recommended.
By default, WDM installs Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (32-bit). To use an SQL
Server Personal Edition, SQL Server Developer Edition, or another supported SQL
Server, you must perform a custom installation (see "Installing or Upgrading Procedures
(WDM Enterprise Edition)").
Table 1 Server Hardware Requirements for 32-bit OS
Category Minimum Requirements Recommended
CPU 1GHz Intel or AMD X86 2.4 GHz Dual Core Intel or AMD X86
Minimum Free Space 4 GB 20 GB
Table 2 Server Hardware Requirements for 64-bit OS
Category Minimum Requirements Recommended
CPU 1GHz Intel or AMD X86 2.4 GHz Dual Core Intel or AMD X86
Minimum Free Space 8 GB 40 GB
Table 3 Server Software Requirements
Component Software Requirements
Operating System Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)
Database Server Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2005 Express, 2008, 2008 Express,
or 2008 R2 Express (32-bit)