Reference and Troubleshooting: FTP, IIS, and Firewall Information 41
5. Under Roles Services, expand Web Server, expand Common HTTP Features, and
then select the HTTP Redirection check box.
6. Under Web Server, expand Application Development and then select the ISAPI
Extensions check box.
7. Under Web Server, expand Security, select the Basic Authentication and Windows
Authentication check boxes, and then be sure that the Request Filtering option is
Figure 39 Select Role Services continued
8. Under Web Server, expand Performance and then be sure that each option is cleared
(Static Content Compression and Dynamic Content Compression should be cleared).
9. Under Web Server, expand Management Tools, and then select the IIS Management
Console and IIS Management Scripts and Tools check boxes.
10.Under Web Server, expand IIS 6 Management Compatibility and then be sure all its
options are selected.
11. Click Next to open the Confirm Installation Selections window.
12.After confirming, click Install.
13.After installation is complete (the Results window displays a successful installation),
click Close.
After installing IIS on the server, install WebDAV Extension for IIS 7.0 (see "Installing
WebDAV Extension for IIS 7.0").