10 Basic use – using a preset program –
ProR3 Digital Reverberator
Special Room
37 Power Drum Room RoomSim Adds a strong live ambiance to drums. Try it on sampled drums.
38 Soft Space Rev+Cho
A percussive short reverb with chorus added. Gives ambiance to drums, lead
instruments, and vocals.
39 Droid Short Reverb
Simulates an early and extremely expensive digital reverb unit.
40 Droid Long Reverb
41 Tile Room RoomSim The bright ambiance of a tiled room.
42 Coliseum Reverb Long reverb of a wide space, simulating a coliseum.
43 Opera Reverb Fairly long reverb with a 52 ms delay between the early reflections and the reverb.
44 Delay Hall Ech→Rev
A combination of hall-type reverb and delay. Set the L and R Delay and IniDly
parameters to match the tempo of the song.
45 Train Station Reverb Try this when you need echoing footsteps in a late-night train station.
46 Tile Bathroom ER
These programs provide early reflections alone. Try them when you wish to add
room ambiance to drums, percussion, guitar, line-recorded bass, electric piano,
and solo instruments.
47 Closet ER
48 Motel Chorus ER
49 Pitch Room Pit→Rev Reverb applied to a pitch change (±8 cents). For vocals or chorus.
50 Beauty Plate Reverb Sub-reverb settings have been boosted. Try it on an electric piano.
51 Arena Plate Reverb Simulates a gigantic arena like the Budokan in Tokyo.
52 Vocal Plate 1 Reverb Try it on vocals. Especially nice for ballads.
53 Vocal Plate 2 Reverb Reverb with a darker feel than Vocal Plate 1.
54 Vocalese Rev+Cho Chorus is lightly applied to the reverb. Try it on guitar and keyboards.
55 String Plate Reverb Try it on strings for an even more beautiful sound.
56 Home Plate Reverb Metal plate reverb from the good old days.
57 LA Plate Short Reverb
Simulations of the bright and crisp plate reverb preferred in studios on the US
west coast.
58 LA Plate Long Reverb
59 Short Perc.Plate Reverb
Short and bright percussion plate. Set the IniDelay parameter according to the
60 Long Plate Reverb Longer plate reverb. Try it on organ pads etc.
61 ER Gate 1 ER
These are gated reverbs with only the early reflections.
ER Gate 1 is a natural and uncolored gate. ER Gate 2 is a bit metallic. ER for Kick
is for when you want to fatten up a thin sounding bass drum.
Adjust the Liveness and RoomSize parameters as desired.
As the names suggest, Power Gate 1 and Power Gate 2 are for when you want to
make the drums really stand out.
62 ER Gate 2 ER
63 ER for Kick ER
64 Power Gate 1 ER
65 Power Gate 2 ER
66 Room Gate ER
67 Gated Rev 1 Reverb
These are standard combinations of reverb + noise gate. Compared to the gated
programs consisting only of E.Ref, more detailed settings are required to fit them
to your song, but this also means that you have more control.
68 Gated Rev 2 Reverb
69 Reverse Gate 1 ER
These simulate the gated reverb effect produced by a tape running backwards,
like the Reverse Gate programs on the REV7 and REV5. Make settings to match
the tempo of the song.
70 Reverse Gate 2 ER
Effect Reverb
71 Reverb Flange 1 Reverb
Reverb Flange 1 is natural. Reverb Flange 2 through Reverb Flange 4 sound pro-
gressively deeper and more showy.
72 Reverb Flange 2 Rev→Flg
73 Reverb Flange 3 Rev→Flg
74 Reverb Flange 4 Rev→Flg
75 Dark Moon Rev→Flg
76 Filter Flange Rev→Flg
No. Title Type Description