Advanced uses (2) – Editing functions – 15
ProR3 Digital Reverberator
Editing procedure
1) Selecting a program
Refer to the list of preset programs on page 9 or the included preset program list, and select the
number of the program that you wish to edit.
At this time, it is not possible to change the type of the primary effect, so make your choice of
type carefully.
2) Editing parameters
1. Press the key which accesses the program parameter that you wish to edit. For example
to edit primary effect parameters, press the MAIN key or FINE key. To edit GATE parame-
ters, press the GATE key.
Pages 18 and following have lists of the parameters which are accessed by each key.
2. Repeatedly press the key until the parameter that you wish to edit appears.
3. Use the cursor keys (√) (®) to move the cursor to the parameter that you wish to edit.
4. There are two ways to set the value of a parameter.
•Press the INC or DEC key to set the value.
If you continue holding down a key, the value will continue to change.
• Use the numeric keys and the RECALL/ENTER key to set the value.
1 Use the numeric keys to enter the value, and the data will blink. If you make a mistake,
press the CANCEL key, and input the value once again using the numeric keys.
2 Press the RECALL/ENTER key to finalize the setting.
5. By pressing the COMPARE key, you can compare the sound after the parameter was
edited with the sound that the program had when it was recalled.
6. If you wish to edit the parameter again, return to step 3.
7. If you wish to edit a different parameter in the same effect, return to step 2.
8. If you wish to edit a different effect, refer to step 1.
Large Hall 1 Reverb
RevTime = 2.5s
Primary effect type