TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
Panel Operations
This shows the input/output levels of the audio signal, and the status of the power supply. As when you’re in the
HOME screen, you can use encoders A/B to adjust the attenuation of each channel.
To access the METER screen, access the HOME screen and press the left-most function button (METER). You can
change the meter type by using the left-most function button (PREV) and right-most function button (NEXT).
q Level meter
This shows the name of the currently selected meter type and the meter for each channel. The “<” “>” beside the meter are
threshold values.
• When the input level from an analog input jack or slot exceeds the maximum value of digital signal, the top segment of
the meter will light.
w Gain
This indicates the currently specified gain for each channel. The gain can be adjusted in the MENU screen (page 24).
e Attenuation
This indicates the current attenuation for each channel. You can use encoders A/B to adjust the attenuation for each channel.
● Meter types that can be shown
The display units can be specified in the SETTING screen (page 17).
METER Screen
Meter type Display unit Explanation
ANA INPUT VOLTAGE dBFS, dBu, V Input level from the analog jack
SLOT INPUT VOLTAGE dBFS Input level from the slot
SP OUTPUT VOLTAGE dBu, V Speaker output level
SP OUTPUT POWER W Speaker output power
SP OUTPUT IMPEDANCE Ω Speaker output impedance
SLOT OUTPUT METER dBFS Slot output level
THERMAL % Heat sink temperature of amplifier section