TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
Panel Operations
● Parameters that can be edited
The parameters that can be edited will depend on the meter type.
* The setting range will differ depending on the meter type.
Parameter Range Explanation
Detect Enable ON/OFF Specifies whether alert detection will be enabled or disabled. An alert
message will be displayed if a point exceeding the specified value (Alert
Min/Max TH) is detected for the specified number of times (Detect
Count) within the specified duration (Detect Time). Detection is in 2 ms
Alert Min TH * Specifies the lower threshold value for the alert.
Alert Max TH * Specifies the upper threshold value for the alert.
Detect Time 1–10s Specifies the time during which points exceeding the threshold value will
be counted.
Detect Count 1–100 Specifies the number of times that a point exceeding the threshold value
must be counted in order to trigger an alert.
Peak Hold ON/OFF Turns peak hold on/off.
Unit * Specifies the display unit for the meter.
Max TH
Min TH
= Detect Count
Detect Time
Alert detection parameters