Chapter 15 Pictures and Videos
V660 User’s Guide
Edit Select this to go to the picture editor.
In the editor, press Menu to access the editing tools.
Select Rotate to turn the picture 90 degrees clockwise.
Select Crop to draw a new picture boundary. Position the top left corner
of the new boundary (move about the screen using the navigator and
click the navigator to select the corner point). Then, select the bottom
right corner in the same way.
Select Auto Correct to have the V660 automatically fix the picture’s
brightness and contrast.
Save Select Save to Contact... to associate the picture with a contact’s record.
Select Save As... to save the picture under a different filename.
Properties Select this to see details about the picture.
Options Change how your V660 displays pictures on-screen and in e-mails you
Table 17 Pictures & Videos: View Menu