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(1) Flags list
Flag Contents
( Failed to evade the contamination since the detergent for evading the contamination is not enough.
% The sample probe is clogged with sample.
? Calculation unable due to abnormal photometric data
# Sample level detection error
R Reagent level detection error
! Calculation unable due to abnormal data
Reagent absorbance value at P-START of Reagent Blank run, is smaller than the
Lower limit of the Parameter.
Reagent absorbance value at P-START is lower than the lower limit specified
In the Parameters in routine run.
Reagent absorbance value at P-END of Reagent Blank run, is greater than the
Upper limit of the Parameter.
Reagent absorbance value at P-END is higher than the upper limit specified
In the Parameters in routine run.
@ Abnormally high result; absorbance of every wavelength is more than 2.5.
$ No linearity validation conducted because less than 3 data obtained in the
D Too quick reaction slope in increasing kinetics, absorbance at P-START is
Higher than MAX. OD in increasing FIXED assay, or too slow reaction slope
In decreasing kinetics (= no reaction observed)
B Too quick reaction slope in increasing kinetics, or absorbance at P-END is
Lower than MIN. OD in increasing FIXED assay.
Linearity error in kinetics.
* Linearity error in kinetics.
& Prozone data error (prozone check point data error)
Z Prozone error
F Result higher than the dynamic range specified in the Parameters
G Result lower than the dynamic range specified in the Parameters
x Other QC data error
1 QC result beyond the QC value range specified in the Parameters
2 Multi-rule QC data error
3 Multi-rule QC data error
4 Multi-rule QC data error
5 Multi-rule QC data error
6 Multi-rule QC data error
7 Multi-rule QC data error
p Result beyond the panic value specified in the Parameters
T Abnormality found in the Inter-Item Check
P Result higher than DECIDE RANGE designated in parameters.
N Result lower than DECIDE RANGE designated in parameters.
H Higher than the result value range specified in the Parameters
L Lower than the result value range specified in the Parameters
J Result higher than the repeat run range specified in the Parameters
K Result lower than the repeat run range specified in the Parameters
S Result extracted for repeat run