16 © December 2004, ADIC
Operating Guidelines
When operating AMASS 5.4, please make note of the following operating guidelines.
IRIX: Tape Support (TS) system
The tape support (TS) system consists of a tape support driver, personality daemons, and a daemon to
manage the personality daemons. Thie TS system is provided by SGI to manage tape devices. AMASS
does not require the TS system to run and it has trouble if the TS system is controlling the AMASS drives.
The mediad daemon initiates the ts daemon on the AMASS drives. To disable the ts daemon, change
the mediad configuration, /etc/config/mediad.config, so that the mediad daemon ignores the
AMASS drives.
Solaris: Shared Memory
AMASS may require more shared memory than the default size allocated on your operating system. If this
happens, the following message appears.
AMASS shared memory size of 1692944 bytes exceeds current system limit.
Error getting shared memory via shmget, errno 22 - Invalid argument.
1 Refer to the man page for system (4) on Solaris.
2 Set the value for shmsys:shminfo_shmmax in the /etc/system file to a number that is large
enough to accommodate AMASS and other processes on your system.
3 Reboot the Solaris machine.
Solaris: FTP
Customers may experience poor performance in writing/reading from AMASS via ftp. The problem is the
size of the IO request issued and the amount of IO buffering at the OS level between the application and
AMASS kernel. This could exist for applications other than FTP as well.
To get better performance use an alternative FTP daemon which can be configured to write/read from
AMASS with larger block sizes. WU FTPD is one option. A customer may also experience poor performance
with a FTP client. Please contact ATAC for details.
All: Scalar DLC
AMASS may experience a problem with loading media into the S10K (with Scalar DLC). The drive types are
AIT, but Scalar DLC looks for 8mm for the mount rather than AIT due to a mismatch in parameters. The XDI
utility sends the drive type AIT rather than 8mm on the mount.
1 On the Scalar DLC box, select Configuration > Clients.
2 Select the AMASS DAS client entry.
3 Select the aliasing tab.
4 Change the media type to sony_ait on the media type alias entry.
5 Restart Scalar DLC.
6 Follow the mount procedure as usual.
This procedure is for Scalar DLC 2.x only.