4 © December 2004, ADIC
• -x Turns on SCSI debugging.
• -j Directs the medialist command to jukebox ID rather than the default of 1.
• Network Attached Libraries—Enhancements to the network attached library interface include:
• Reducing the number of 'query drive' commands thus softening the load on the XDI interface.
A function to test the need to inquire about library drive status is added. If there are no drive
candidates to service a pending IO request, the library query drive command is not called. This
will reduce the load on the network library interface.
• Releasing the shared memory semaphore across the library query drive command. Failure to
do this will cause the entire AMASS system to lock up should a query drive command fail to
complete (is hung).
• Adding a feature that will time out a hung XDI command. This happens frequently in the
presence of library errors.
• Adding XDI failed mount/dismount retry option. XDI failed mounts and dismounts are retried 3
times before a drive/volume are taken out of service.
The combination of these four fixes will prevent AMASS from locking up and loosing drive/volume
resource in the presence of library errors.
This new functionality is controlled by using the following environmental variables:
• AMASS_DISABLE_TEST_DRIVE - should the reduction in queries to the drive cause undesired
effects, this environmental variable will return AMASS to pre-fix default state that continually
pings the library interface.
• AMASS_DRIVESTAT_TIMEOUT=<new_val_in_seconds> - changes query drive time out
from the default of 10 seconds to the value specified here.
• AMASS_STORE_TIMEOUT=<new_val_in_seconds> - changes the library mount/dismount
timeout from a default 360 seconds to the value specified here.
• AMASS_DISABLE_LIBTIMEOUT - should the library timeout feature cause undesired effects,
this environment variable will disable the feature.
• vgimport—Importing and exporting large volume groups is expedited with the -q option.
Usage: vgimport [-yun] [-p path] [-v volumenumber(s) -or- -f
volume_list_file] filename; where:
• -q quick; Do not verify NSR label against volume.
• -y Suppress questions and informational messages.
• -u Prints this usage message.
• -n Parses the metadata file, but does not update the database.
• -p path Specifies volume group root directory name.
• -v volumenumber Specifies import volume number(s) (# #,# #-#).
• -f volume_list_file Obtains volumes from input file (one volume per file line).
• volstat—New command line options have been added to this tool. The volstat command options
now include:
Usage: volstat [-aifFsuy] <volume-number>; where:
• -a Changes volume status to active.
These environmental variables can be set in the shell in which AMASS is
started or put directly in the amass_start script.