
SUPER RAPID BAKE/ Regular Crust or
(1:10 hours)
This setting is used only to make variations of basic
white bread
quickly whether you choose a Regular
or Dark crust.
Refer to the recipe section of this
booklet for a complete list of all recipes that can be
used with this setting.
This setting cannot be used
successfully to make breads other than those
specified due to the shorter rising time of this cycle.
SWEET /Regular Crust or
SWEET /Dark Crust (3:50 hours)
Use this setting for recipes that use fruit juice, large
amounts of sugar, cheese, or added sweet
ingredients such as raisins, dried fruit, or chocolate.
Baking temperature is lower to prevent burning.
WHOLE GRAIN (4:10 hours)
This setting is used for recipes with significant
amounts of whole wheat or rye flour, oats,
or bran. This setting has a longer rise cycle
and preheat cycle to allow heavier grains
to expand. Generally, whole wheat/multi-grain
breads are shorter and denser than Basic or Sweet
You cannot use the Crust Color selections
with this setting.
DOUGH /PASTA (2:00 hours)
This setting makes bread-style dough and pasta
dough. Dough can be shaped to make pizza, rolls,
pretzels, long loaves or braids that must then be
baked in a conventional oven. It can also prepare
pasta dough that must then be processed and
shaped through a pasta maker. Pasta dough should
be removed from the Breadmaker after the
Add-Ingredient signals (in 40 - 45 minutes).
Follow pasta recipes on page 32 for
specific directions.
Bread Type Setting Descriptions
How To Use Your Breadmaker
he four bread making settings in this unit will
combine ingredients, knead, and bake bread
from start to finish automatically. The
Dough/Pasta setting makes dough for a variety of
recipes but you must shape and bake the dough
yourself in a conventional oven or process it in a
pasta maker. To delay completion, the Automatic
Timer may be programmed to make bread while you
are at work or asleep. (See Setting the Timer pg. 10)
The Cookbook section of this book includes recipes
that have been thor
oughly tested in Black & Deckers
own test kitchens both in the United States and
Canada to ensure best results. Flours, cornmeal, and
a few other ingredients vary widely between
the two countries.
NOTE: The term, “All-Purpose Flour” for example, is
applied to two totally different types of flour
depending on whether it is purchased in the U.S. or
Canada. Canadian “All-Purpose Flour” will produce
good to excellent results in this Breadmaker; whereas
American “All-Purpose Flour” will produce poor
Therefore, each recipe is presented with two sets of
ingredients one for each country. Since ingredients
are different, it is important that you double check to
be sure you are following the recipe appropriate for
ingredients in your country (U.S. or Canada) before
using your Breadmaker.
Most North American national brand flours and
yeasts will produce good results. Keep in mind that
the recipes included here have been created by our
Home Economists specifically for this automatic
breadmaker (Model B1561) and may not produce
acceptable results in other similar breadmakers.