Bodum 3020 Espresso Maker User Manual

· Tamp the coffee grind lighter.
· Change to a coarser grind of coffee.
· Clean out the filter thoroughly by holding it under running
water and dry or run water through the filter with no coffee.
· Wipe over brewing head area and filter holder with a
damp cloth.
· We recommend to use the BODUM
espresso coffees.
· Run a reservoir full of water through the machine before
making another coffee.
· Fill the water reservoir.
· Replace the water reservoir firmly into the unit.
· Use freshly ground espresso coffee.
· Remove filter holder and clean brewing head.
· See ‘Descaling the espresso machine’.
· Coffee tamped too hard.
· Coffee grind is too fine.
· Filter holder is blocked.
· Build up of coffee grinds on the brewing
· Type of coffee being used.
· Appliance has not been rinsed properly
after descaling.
· No water in reservoir.
· Water reservoir not correctly positioned.
· Coffee old or too dry, pump does not build
up enough pressure.
· Brewing filter may be blocked.
· Machine blocked by scale build up.
Handle comes off during
Uneven cup filling.
Difficult to insert the
filter holder.
Espresso tastes burnt.
Pump makes an
unusually loud noise.
Espresso machine does
not operate.
Problem Possible cause Solution