Base and Toe Pane,/Final Instructions
PJaetic Base Access PaneJ and Toe PaneJ installation
(SHY66C, SH×99A, SH E66C, SHE99C, SH×57C, and
SHV57C modete only)
1 PUacethe PUastb Base Access PaneUunder and up the
front bottom paneUof the dishwasher, as shown in
Figure 34a,
2 insert the PUastb Base Access PaneUscrews into the
PUastb Base Access PaneU,as shown in Figure 34b,
Tighten the PUastb Base Access PaneUScrews,
3 PUace the Cotton UnsuUationStrip under the unit,
between the bottom of the Plastic Base Access Panel
and the floor, as shown in Figure 34c,
4 Attach the Toe Panel to the Plastic Base Access Panel
using the Toe Panel Screws included in the Toe Panel
Installation Kit, See Figure 34d,
NOTE: You will not use the normal Toe Panel Screws
included in the Dishwasher Installation Kit on these
In some conditions, Hydrogen gas can form in a
hot water system that has not been used for
weeks. Hydrogen gas is e×pJoeive. Before filling
a dishwasher from a system that has been off for
weeks, run the water from a nearby faucet in a
wett ventilated area untit there is no sound or
evidence of gas.
1 Energize the dishwasher power supply circuit,
2 Consult the Dishwasher Use and Care Manual, and run
the dishwasher through one complete cycle, if the
dishwasher does not operate properly, refer to the Self-
Help section of the Use and Care Manual, if the
dishwasher still does not operate properly, refer to the
Customer Service Section of the Use and Care