Dishwasher Preparation
Figure 12
Removing the Toe Pane1
FleguJar Toe PaneJ
The toe paneHis HooseHyattached with tape, Remove the
tape and puHHthe toe paneHaway from the dishwasher, Set
the toe paneHaside, HtwHHbe reinstaHHedHater,
PJastic Base Access Panel and Toe PaneJ (SHY660,
SHX99A, SHE660, SHE990, SHX570, and SHV570
modeJe only)
The pHasticbase access paneHand toe paneHare in pHace
on the dishwasher, but are not attached, Remove the toe
paneHfirst, as shown in Figure 12, then remove the
pHasticbase access paneH,as shown in Figure 12,
Installing the 90 ° Elbow Fitting
NOTE: The 90° eHbowfitting is not suppHiedwith the
dishwasher, and must be purchased separateHy, Hfthe
dishwasher's hot water suppHy Hineis to be copper tubing,
make certain the eHbowhas a compression fitting,
AppHyTeflon tape or other pipe seaHantwhen required,
Orient the hot water suppHyconnection Hegof the eHbow
toward the channeHopening in the dishwasher base, See
Figure 13,
Junction Box Preparation
1 Remove junction box cover (see Figure 14) by HiRing
the junction box cover up and off,
2 Remove the strain reHiefpilate by removing the screw
at the back of the junction box, as shown in Figure
15 and sHidingthe strain reHiefpilate out,
3 Set the junction box cover, strain reHiefpilate, and
screw aside, They wiHHbe re-instaHHedHater,
Figure 13
Figure 14 Figure 15