Bunn H5E H5X Coffeemaker User Manual

SERVICE (cont.)
Electronic Controls (cont.)
This dispenser can maintain any temperature between
85 and 208°F by selecting and setting one of five vari-
able range control potentiometers.
1. Fill the dispenser according to the steps in the Ini-
tial Set-up.
2. Select the range containing the desired tempera-
ture by plugging the two-pin socket onto the mat-
ing connector of one of the range control boards.
Both pins must be connected to the socket.
3. Place the tank heater switch in the ON position
and observe the glowing red indicator near the right
edge of the control board. The controller is apply-
ing full power to the heater when the indicator is
on all the time. The indicator will begin to flash as
the temperature nears the set point. The set tem-
perature is reached when the indicator flashes only
very briefly. The water is hotter than the set tem-
perature when the indicator remains off. This ini-
tial setting will only be an approximation.
4. Take the temperature of the stream of water imme-
diately below the faucet as it flows from the dis-
penser with an accurate thermometer. Do not take
the temperature of water collected in a container.
Turn the potentiometer screw of the temperature
range selected in step 2 in a clockwise direction
with a small screwdriver. One full turn of the screw
will result in an approximate 1°F change. Allow
the temperature to stabilize as described in step 3
and repeat step 4. Continue until the desired water
temperature is achieved.
Turn the potentiometer screw of the temperature
range selected in step 2 in a counterclockwise di-
rection with a small screwdriver. One full turn of
the screw will result in an approximate 1°F change.
Draw a large quantity of water at the faucet, allow
the temperature to stabilize as described in step 3
and repeat step 4. Continue until the desired water
temperature is achieved.
NOTE - The entire adjustment span is approximately
25 complete revolutions. The potentiometer will cease
to adjust when turned too far in either direction. It is
not damaged, simply turn it back a few turns and try
85-115° 110-140° 135-165° 160-190° 185-208°
10420 011599