A troubleshooting guide is provided to suggest probable causes and remedies for the most likely problems
encountered. If the problem remains after exhausting the troubleshooting steps, contact the Bunn-O-Matic
Technical Service Department.
• Inspection,testing,andrepairofelectricalequipmentshouldbeperformedonlybyqualiedserviceperson-
• Allelectroniccomponentshave120–240voltacandlowvoltagedcpotentialontheirterminals.Shorting
of terminals or the application of external voltages may result in board failure.
• Intermittentoperationofelectroniccircuitboardsisunlikely.Boardfailurewillnormallybepermanent.If
an intermittent condition is encountered, the cause will likely be a switch contact or a loose connection at a
terminal or crimp.
• Solenoidremovalrequiresinterruptingthewatersupplytothevalve.Damagemayresultifsolenoidsare
energized for more than ten minutes without a supply of water.
• Theuseoftwowrenchesisrecommendedwheneverplumbingttingsaretightenedorloosened.Thiswill
help to avoid twists and kinks in the tubing.
• Makecertainthatallplumbingconnectionsaresealedandelectricalconnectionstightandisolated.
• Thisdispenserisheatedatalltimes.Keepawayfromcombustibles.
• Exerciseextremecautionwhenservicingelectricalequipment.
• Disconnectdispenserfromthepowersourcewhenservicing,exceptwhenelectricaltestsarespecied.
• Followrecommendedserviceprocedures
• Replaceallprotectiveshieldsorsafetynotices
When a fault occurs (failure to the unit) the POWER lamp will flash to identify the problem.
Flashes Description of Failure
1 Temperature Sensor (short)
2 Temperature Sensor (open)
3 Refill Fault (continuous refill for 15 minutes)
4 Heater Fault (heater relay on for 120 minutes)
5 Boil Thermistor (short) H5X only
6 Boil Thermistor (open) H5X only
Equipment will not operate.
Probable Cause
1. No power or incorrect voltage
(A) Check the terminal block for the cor-
rect voltage. It should be:
a.) 100 to 120 volts ac across the black
and white terminals for 100 to 120 volt
models or,
b.) 200 to 240 volts ac across the red and
black terminals for 200 to 240 volt models
c.) 230 volts ac across the red and black
terminals for 230 volt models.
(B) Check circuit breakers or fuses.
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