Before Cleaning
• Beforedisconnectingtheblendingwandorwhiskfromtheelectrical
outlet, consider dipping the end of the attachments in a container of
warm, watered down mild detergent. Process under the soapy water to
release food residue.
• Carefullyunplugtheimmersionblender’spowercordfromtheelectrical
outlet by firmly grasping the plug.
• Removeanyfoodfromthechopperbowlandcleanassoonaspossible
after chopping.
Do Not Immerse These Parts
Never immerse the main body, chopper lid, whisk housing, cord or plug
in water. If needed, wipe with a damp cloth that has been dipped in a
watered down mild detergent or soap.
Tips for Cleaning the Immersion Blender
• Theblendingwand,chopperbowlandblade,mixingcup,nonsticksafe
guard and whisk (detached from housing) are top rack dishwasher safe.
• Thechopperlidandwhiskhousingarenotdishwashersafeandshould
never be put in the dishwasher.
• Iftheblenderjointsaccidentlygetwet,drywellassoonaspossible.
The cord wraps around the immersion blender for storage. Store the
chopper blade inside the chopper bowl. NOTE: Blades are sharp. Handle
carefully when storing or taking out the parts from the chopper bowl.