Some units may not have the following items to test
13. Meter Complete this test using markings on mixer arm or a measuring strip if there are no
markings on the unit. Test the meter at the following values up to capacity (Should be
1/4"). During this test check that the (interrupt) switch stops the water flow
and the (continue/reset) when switched to "continue" resumes the flow without resetting
the meter.
5 20
20 80
40 160
80 320
100 400
When the (continue/reset) switch is turned to "reset" the displayed quantity on the
meter should be erased and the count begins at zero.
For the following test fill the kettle 3/4 full of water. Have the mixer rotating with the speed
control setting at three to five.
14. Heating Manual (Active/Bypass) switch in "Bypass" position. (Heat/Off/Cool) switch in "Heat"
position. Open manual steam valve, steam enters kettle and condensate escapes
from steam trap.
For units equipped with water cooling -
Automatic drain opens and discharges water from jacket,
Automatic drain closes when steam starts exiting,
Condensate drain opens and discharges hot water.
Close manual steam valve and you should hear steam entering kettle slow to a
15. Cooling Manual Turn (Heat/Off/Cool) switch to "Off". Open manual steam valve. Turn
(Heat/Off/Cool) switch to "Cool". Cooling water enters kettle from large console and
exits from side console.
16. Heating Automatic (Heat/Off/Cool) switch in "Off" position. Open manual steam valve. Follow
operating instructions on label to set the temperature to 180°F/ 90°C. Turn
(Active/Bypass) switch to "Active", you should hear steam entering kettle and
condensate should escape steam trap.
For units equipped with water cooling -
Automatic drain opens and discharges water from jacket,
Automatic drain closes when steam starts exiting,
Condensate drain opens and discharges hot water.
17 Chart Recorder
Seal chart recorder on the inside all around to the panel with silicone.
Seal pipe penetration where cables enters panel from console with silicone all