1. Place prepared rod into motor, lay across to other side in groove (Fig.39).
2. Verify placement as shown in Fig. 40.
3. Ignite burner, start rotisserie motor, and keep on rotisserie valve on “high” for cooking all meats on the rotisserie.
4. To check temperature of the meat, turn off motor, turn temperature to low while using your instant-read ther-
mometer. For poultry it should read 170º in the breast. Thermometer should touch the breastbone, then lift up
3/4 inch from the bone to get a more accurate temperature reading. Remove thermometer and turn on motor,
return heat to high if more cooking is needed. Repeat above instructions (Fig. 41).
5. When you have finished using the rotisserie, turn off motor and turn the rotisserie knob to “OFF”. If you have fin-
ished using the appliance altogether, turn the main gas supply off too.
6. Remove the rod, using hot pads, place meat or poultry on broiler pan, then remove prongs (Fig. 42).
The fork rods are very sharp. Keep hands away from tips when removing the food.
7. Cover with foil for a 15 to 20 minute waiting time. Meat will carve better and juices will go back into the meat.
FIG. 39
FIG. 40
FIG. 41
FIG. 42