FILL TANK Insucientwaterinthetank. Fill the tank with water and/or insert it
correctly, pushing it as far as it will go until it
clicks into place.
EMPTY GROUNDS CONTAINER The grounds container (A22) is full.
Empty the grounds container and drip tray,
clean and replace. Important: when removing
the drip tray, the grounds container must be
emptied, even if it is not completely full.
If this is not done, when you make the next
coees, the grounds container may ll up more
than expected and clog the machine.
The grinding is too ne and the coee is
delivered too slowly or not at all.
The grinding is too ne and the coee is
delivered too slowly or not at all.
Repeat coee delivery and turn the grinding
adjustment dial (g. 10) one click clockwise to-
wards “7” while the coee mill is in operation.
If after making at least 2 coees delivery is
still too slow, repeat the correction procedure,
turning the grinding adjustment dial another
click until delivery is correct (see the section:
“Adjusting the coee mill” on page 12). If the
problem persists, make sure the water tank is
fully inserted, press the button and
deliver a little water from the spout.
INSERT GROUNDS CONTAINER After cleaning, the grounds container has not
been replaced.
Remove the drip tray and insert the grounds
ADD PRE-GROUND COFFEE With the pre-ground function selected,
pre-ground coee has not been poured into
the funnel.
Place pre-ground coee in the funnel or
deselect the “pre-ground” function (g. 17).
DESCALE The machine must be descaled. The descaling procedure described in the
section “Descaling” needs to be performed as
soon as possible (page 17).
LESS COFFEE Too much coee has been used.
Select a milder taste by pressing the dial
(g. 9) or reduce the quantity of pre-ground
FILL BEANS CONTAINER The coee beans have run out. Fill the beans container (g. 13).
The pre-ground coee funnel is clogged. Empty the funnel with the help of a brush as
described in the section “Cleaning the pre-
ground coee funnel”.
INSERT INFUSER ASSEMBLY The infuser has not been replaced after
Insert the infuser as described in the
paragraph “Cleaning the infuser”.
INSERT TANK The tank is not correctly in place. Insert the tank correctly and press as far as it
will go.