Never usea spray cleanertoclean the door panel for itcould damage the door lock and electrical components.It is notallowed
tousetheabrasiveagentorsomepaper towel becauseoftherisk of scratching or leaving spots on the stainless steel surface.
To clean the edge around the door,you should use only a soft warm, damp rag. Toprevent
penetration of water into the door lock and electrical components, do not use a spray cleaner
of any kind.
Also, neveruse abrasive cleaners orscouring padsonthe outer surfaces because they will
scratchthe finish. Some papers towels can alsoscratch orleavemarks on thesurface.
After every wash,turnoff the watersupply to the
applianceandleavethe door slightlyajarsothat
moistureandodors are not trapped inside.
Before cleaning or performing maintenance,always
removethe plugfrom thesocket.Do not runrisks.
Tocleanthe exterior and rubber parts of thedishwasher,
donot use solvents orabrasivecleaningproducts.
Rather,use onlya cloth and warm soapywater.
Toremovespotsorstainsfromthesurfaceof the
interior,usea cloth dampenedwithwater anda little
white vinegar, or a cleaning product made specifically
When you go onholiday, it is recommened that you runa
wash cyclewith the dishwasherempty and then remove
the plugfromthesocket,turnoff the water supplyand
leave the door of the applianceslightly ajar. This will help
the seals last longer andprevent odorsfrom forming
within the appliance.
If the appliance must be moved, try to keep it in the vertical
position.If absolutelynecessary, itcanbe positioned on
One of the factors thatcause odors to form in the
dishwasheris food that remainstrappedin the seals.
Periodic cleaningwith a damp sponge willpreventthis
from occurring.
Pleasesee the rating lable to know the rating voltageand connect the dishwasher to appropriate power supply,Use required fuse
12amp.Fused electrical supply is required-copper wire only. Time delay fuse orcircuit breakerrecommendedand provide
separate circuit serving only this appliance. Outlet should be placed in adjacent cabinet.
After making sure that the voltageand the frequency values for the currentinthe home
correspondto thoseon therating plateandthatthe electricalsystem is sized for the
maximumvoltage on therating plate, insert theplug intoan electricalsocket which is
earthedproperly. Ifthe electrical socket to whichtheappliancemustbe connected is not
appropriate forthe , replace the socket,rather than using a adaptorsor thelikeas
they could cause overheating and burns.
When cleaningthe filters, don't knock onthem .Otherwise thefilters could be contortedand the performance of dishwasher could
The dishwashermust never be used without the filters in place. Improper replacement ofthe
filter mayreduce theperformance levelof the appliance and cause damageto theappliance .