If the sink is 1000 higher from the floor, the excess water in hoses cannot
be drained directly into the sink. It will be necessary to drain excess
water from hoses into a bucket or suitable container that is held outside andlower
than the sink.
Connect the coldwater supplyhoseto athreaded3/4(inch)connectorandmake surethat it is
fastened tightly in place.
If the water pipes are new or havenot been used for an extended period of time, letthe water
run to makesure that thewater is clearand free of impurities. Ifthisprecaution is not taken,
thereis a risk that thewater inlet can get blockedand damage the appliance.
The watersupply to the appliance canalsobe connected to the house hot waterline
(centralized system, heatingsystem),as longas it doesnot exceed a temperature of 60 C.
In this case, the wash cycle time will be shortened by about 15 minutes and thewash
The connection must be made to the hot water line following the same procedures asthose
for the connection to thecold water line.
Insertthe drain hoseintoa drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 40 mm, or let it run into the sink, making sure to avoid bending
or crimpingit. Use the special plasticsupport that attached with the appliance. The free end of the hose must be at a height
between 400 and 1000mm and must not be immersed inwater.
Oncethe applianceis positioned,adjust the feet (screwing them in orout) to adjust the
heightofthe dishwasher, making it level.In any case ,the appliance should notbeinclined
more than 2 .
Position the appliance inthe desired location. Theback should rest against the wallbehindit, andthesides, alongthe adjacent
cabinets or wall.Thedishwasher isequippedwithwater supplyanddrainhoses that canbe positioned to the right orthe leftto
facilitate properinstallation.
In order to avoid more water staying in the inlet hose,
please close the hydrant afterusing.(For the models:no safety inlet hose.)
Inlet pipe connector Drain pipe connector