Controls 15
WaveoTouch TM(semectmod÷ws)
Your refrigerator is equipped with a Wave-Touch TM
control panel display. It is only necessary to gently
touch the glass. There are three (3) levels of display.
1stLevel: Sleep Mode
Sleep Mode displays only the WATER, CUBES and
CRUSHED options. Touch an icon to activate the
desired dispenser mode. The active dispenser mode is
more brightly illuminated.
2°dLevel: Awakened Display Mode
The control panel is awakened by touching anywhere
on the glass where there is an indicator. Black space
will not awaken the display: After 10 seconds of
inactivity, the control panel will return to the Sleep mode.
The following dispenser options are illuminated:
Pressandhold for three(3) secondsto turn
the ice maker"ON"or "OFF".Turning theice
rnaker "OFF'disablesthe icedispensing feature.
Neither "CUBES"nor "CRUSHED"will operate
with the ice maker"OFF".
Activatesafaster ratefor freezingfood
On/ Off
Pressandhold for three (3) secondsto activate
anddeactivate.This restricts undesired changes
to the refrigerator's settings and preventsuse of
the iceandwater dispenser.
When the ice maker is turned off, the ice in the bucket
should be transferred to the freezer or discarded to
prevent it from melting.
3rdLeveh User Variable Options
Touching the options icon displays the following options:
air filter
factory default
Conservesenergybyincreasingthe time
betweenautornaticdefrost.This feature isauto-
matically activatedduring long periodsbetween
door openings.Vacation mode is manually
activatedwhen the red indicator is lit.
Touch to displayfilter condition status. Press
andhold for three(3) seconds to resetafter filter
Touch to displayfilter status. Pressand holdfor
three (3) secondsto resetafter filter change.
When active, it allowsthe display ofthefreezer
andfridge temps during "SleepMode". The
temperature isdisplayedwhenthe red indicator
Touchtotoggledisplayfrom Fahrenheitto
Tonesemitted byeachkeypresscan beturned
off basedon userpreference.Thesounds are
muted whenthe redindicator is lit. Warning
signalswill stay active.
Resetsall refrigerator settings such astemp,
ternp display,and alarm tonesto their factory
default settings.
Pressandhold for three(3) secondsto turn
off the cooling system to cleantherefrigera-
tor. Italsoturns off the ice maker,all dispenser
functions, and thePerfectTempTM drawer (select
models). Thetemperature displaywill readOFE
Pressing the system on/off icon does not turn off
power to your refrigerator. "Youmust unplug the power
cord from the wall outlet.