Fagor America LFA-45X Dishwasher User Manual

Error Ala rm
Er ror c ode s on th e d ispl ay w ill in for m y o u o f
p ro bl e ms wit h th e d is hw as h er.
St ainl ess St eel Tub
The Stainless Steel tub of the dishwasher is
made of tough and durable steel that is
resistant to staining.
RinseAid Warning Indicator
Wh en t h e ri ns e ai ds in the m ac hin e be gin to
ru n l ow, an al e rt on t he pa ne l wi ll be c lea rl y
displayed informing you to refill them.
This wil l ens ure the un it will o pe rat e a t
optimum performance.
Time Delay feature
This allows the start of the to be
between 3/6/9/12 hours ,
program delayed
Th e T ime D e l ay featu r e
convenience, saving you time and money.
The manufacturer may make modifications without
giving prior notice.
The F agor Model LFA-45X has seve ral characteristics which separat e it f rom the competi tion.
6 Dishwashing Programs
Depending on your cleaning needs, you can
choose any of the 6 pre-programmed cycles to
better clean your dishes. Choose from All in 1,
Heavy, Normal, Light, Rinse and Speed.