Installation instructions
All connections must be checked for leaks.
Ensure white 6 mm (¼”) tubing is routed away from sharp objects, sharp corners (beware of
kinking tube as this will stop water flow), clear of the refrigerator unit compartment and not in a
location where it can be squashed.
Ensure all push-fit connections are firmly pushed into place. The tube should be pushed in 16 mm
(⁄”) before reaching the stop.
If tubing is removed at any point, re-cut the end and re-insert. Tubing must be fully inserted to
avoid leaks.
To remove tube from connection points, turn off the isolating tap, push in the collet and gently
pull tubing at the same time.
Fig.9 Connection to water supply
Diagram 9
The water filtration system is tested and certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI
Standard 53 for the reduction of Asbestos, Atrazine, Benzene, Cyst, Carbofuran, Lead, Lindane,
Mercury, P-Dichlorobenzene, Toxaphene & Turbidity; against Standard NSF/ANSI 42 for the
reduction of Chlorine Taste and Odour and Nominal Particulate Class I to a capacity of 2,838
Litres (750 gallons).