Deep Clean Mode Bulk System Quarterly FR 3 Q2
©McDonald’s Corporation · Planned Maintenance Manual · Revised May 2011 Page 1 of 5
Frymaster BIELA14 and BIGLA30 – LOV Fryer
Quarterly FR 3 Q2
Removes caramelized oil from elements (if electric) and frypot.
Time required
5 minutes to prepare 15 minutes to prepare; 60 per pot to complete
Time of day
This task can be performed one pot at a
time. You will be able to serve
customers with remaining pots.
For 24-hour restaurants: This task can be performed one
pot at a time. You will be able to serve customers with
remaining pots.
Hazard icons
Tools and supplies
Apron, heat-resistant
Brush, pot, heat-
Bucket, plastic
Bucket, clean and
sanitized towels
Bucket, soiled towels
Face shield
Fryer skimmer
Gloves, neoprene
Goofer stick
McD All Purpose
Super Concentrate
(APSC) solution
McD Heavy Duty
Oil removal cart
Paper towels
Maple Paddle with
no scratch pad
Procedure The Deep Cleaning follows procedures developed by Kay Chemical. Their instructions are needed in addition
to this PM.
Prepare for Deep Clean and
turn fryer off.
Put on neoprene gloves, a
heat-resistant apron, and a
face shield. You must wear
this equipment throughout
this procedure.
This procedure should be
done for only one vat at a
Confirm that the fryer filters
are in place. Turn at least one
exhaust fan on. The fan must
stay on for the entire
Make sure the basket support
rack is in place in the vat.
Press the on/off button to turn
the fryer off. The display will
show “OFF.”
Avoid accidentally
activating the fire
extinguishing system
by keeping an exhaust
fan on and the fryer
filters in place during
the entire procedure.
Enter Deep Clean mode.
drain oil to be
disposed into the waste tank
into a dirty filter pan or one
with components removed
Press and hold the Temp and
Info buttons simultaneously
until LEVEL 1 is displayed
on the computer changing to
Enter Code.
Enter 1-2-3-4 with the
numbered keys
Scroll to Deep Clean.
Press the “Info” button to
scroll to DEEP CLEAN