GE JKP64 Microwave Oven User Manual

Questionsand Answers
Q. If my ovenclockis not set to the correct time of
day, can I still self-cleanmy oven?
A. If theclockisnotsetto thecorrecttimeof day
youwillnotbe ableto seta delaycleanto endat a
Q. Can I use commercialoven cleaners on any part
of my self-cleaningoven?
A. No cleanersor coatingsshouldbeusedaround
anypartof thisoven.If youdo usethemanddo
notthoroughlyrinsethe ovenwithwater,wipingit
absolutelycleanafterwards,theresiduecan scar
theovensurfaceanddamagemetalpartsthe next
timetheovenis automaticallycleaned.
Q. What should I do if excessivesmokingoccurs
during cleaning?
A. Thisis causedby excessivesoil.Turntheovenoff.
Openthewindowsto rid theroomof smoke.Wait
off inthedisplay.Wipeup theexcesssoilandreset
Q. Is the “crackling” or “popping” sound I hear
during cleaningnormal?
A. Yes.Thisis the soundof themetalheating
Q. Shouldthere be any odor during the cleaning?
A. Yes,therewillbe an odorduringthefirstfew
cleanings.Failureto wipeoutexcessivesoilmight
alsocausea strongodorwhencleaning.
Q. What causesthe hair-like lineson the enameled
surface of my oven?
A. Thisis a normalcondition,resultingfromheating
andcoolingduringcleaning.Theselinesdo not
Q. Why do I have ash left in my oven
after cleaning?
A. Sometypesof soilwillleavea depositwhich
is ash.It can be removedwitha dampsponge
or cloth.
Q. My ovenshelvesdo not slideeasily.What is
the matter?
A. Aftermanycleanings,the ovenshelveswilllose
theirlusterandbecomehardto slide.Tomakethe
shelvesslidemoreeasily,wipethe shelfsupports
Q. My ovenshelveshave becomegray after the
self-cleancycle.Is this normal?
A. Yes.Afterthe self-cleancycle,theshelveswill
losesomelusteranddiscolorto a deepgraycolor.