Foryour safe_ the informationin this manualmustbe followed to minimizetherisk of fire,electricshock, orto
preventpropertydamage,personalinjury`or lossof life.
All rangescantip andinjurycouldresult
Topreventaccidentaltippingof therange, attachit to thewaft andfloor byinstallingtheAnti-tip devicesupplied.
If the Anti-tip device suppliedwith therangedoesnotfit this application,usethe universa/Anti-Tipdevice
Tocheckif the deviceisinstalledand engagedproperly,removethestoragedrawer andinspecttherear
levelingleg.Make sure it fitssecurely intothe slot.
If you pull tile range out flom tile wall for any reason, make sure tile de_ice is l)roperly engaged when
you push the i'ange back against the wall. If it is not, theie is a possible risk of tile i_ange tipping over
and causing ii_u U if you or a child stand, sit or lean on all open door.
Please iefbr m the Anti-Tip dedce infbmlation ill this manual. Failme to rake this precaution could
resuh ill tipping of tile i'ange and injm>
TheCafifomiaSafeDrinking Waterand ToxicEnforcementAct requiresthe Governorof Cafifomiatopublisha
fistof substancesknowntothe stateto cause cancer,birth defectsor otherreproductiveharm,andrequires
businessesto warn customersof potential exposureto such substances.
Thefiberglassinsulationin self-dean ovensgives off a verysmallamountof carbonmonoxideduringthe
cleaningcycle. Exposurecanbe minimizedby ventingwith an openwindow or usinga ventilationfan or hood.
Whenusingelectricalappliances,basicsafe_/precautionsshouldbe followed,includingthe following:
} Use this appliance only %r its intended puq)ose
as descnbed ill this Owner's Manual.
} Be sure your appliance is properl} installed and
grounded b} a qualified installer ill accordance
with tile provided installation instructions.
} Have the installer show xou the location
of the circuit breaker or fllse. Mark it for easx
Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of )our i_ange lmless it is specificall}
recommended ill this manual. All other
servicing should be referred to a qualified
getbre perfbmdng ally serdce, disconnect
the i'ange power supply at the household
distribution panel by removing the fuse or
switching off tile ciivuit breaker
Do not leave children alone---children should
not be left alone or unattended ill all area
where all appliance is ill use. They should never
be allowed to sit or stand on ally part of tile
Do not allow awone m climb, stand or hang
on tile dooi, stoi'age &'awer or cooktop. They
could damage tile iange and even tip it oveI,
causing severe peisonal iI_uI>
IaIge scI'atches or impacts to glass dooIs call
lead to broken or shattered glass.
Do not store flammable materials ill all oven or
near tile cooktop.
CAUTION:I[ell}S Of in[eles[ [o childien
should not be stored ill cabinets above a imlge
or on the backsplash of a i'ange---children
climbing on tile i'ange to reach items could be
seriously injured.
Never weal loose-fitting or hanging gamlents
while using the appliance. Be carefld when
reaching fbr items stored over the range.
Flammable material could be ignited if brought
ill contact with hot surfilce units or heating
elenlents and may cause severe b/lI'ns.
Use only d U pot holdei.s--moist or damp pot
holdeis on hot surfi/ces may resuh ill burns
flom steam. Do not let pot holdeis touch hot
surfi/ce units or heating elements. Do not use
a towel or other bulky cloth ill place of pot