} Do not imme[se or soak the removable surfilce
units. Do not put them in a dishwasher. Do not
self clean the surfi/ce units in tile oven.
} When preparing flaming fbods under the hood,
turn the rim on.
To ax_id the possibility of a burn or electric
shock, alwa}:sbe certain that the controls for all
sur[ilce units are at the OFFposition and all coils
are cool befbre attempting to lift or remove
a unit.
} Clean the cooktop with caution. If a wet sponge
is used to wipe spills on a hot cooktop, be
carefid to avoid steam burns.
} ReeI) an exe on foods being filed at high or
medium high heat settings.
Foods for flying should be as d U as possible.
Frost on fiozen fbods or moisture on fiesh
foods can cruise hot tilt to bubble up and over
the sides of the pan.
Use little tilt for effective shallow or deep tilt
flying. Filling the pan too fidl of lilt can cause
spilloveLs when food is added.
If a combination of oils or fi_tswill be used in
flying, stir together befbre heating, or as lilts
m elt slowl_'.
Always heat tilt slowly, and watch as it heats.
Use a deep lilt them_ometer whenever possible
to prevent overheating tilt beyond the smoking
Standawayfrom the range when openingtheoven door.Hotair or steamwhich escapescancauseburnsto
hands,faceand/or eyes.
Do not heat unopened fbod containers.
Pressure could build up and the container
could bmst, causing an injm>
}: KeeI) the oven vent unobstructed.
Ree I) the oven fiee fiom grease buildup.
Place the oven shelf in the desired position
while the oven is cool. If shelves must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact the heating elements.
Pulling out the shelf to the stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting heax)' foods. It is also a
precaution against burns fiom touching hot
surfi/ces of the door or oven walls.
When using cooking or roasting bags in the
oven, fbllow the manufilcturer's directions.
Do not use the oven to dU newspapers.
If overheated, they can catch on fire.
Do not use tile oven for a storage area. Items
stored in an oven can ignite.
Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils
or fbod in the oven when not in use.
} Do not use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms,
except as suggested in this manual. Improper
installation of aluminum fbil max resuh in a risk
of electric shock or fire.
Donot useoven cleaners.Nocommercialovencleaneror ovenlinerprotective coatingof anykind shouldbe
usedin or aroundanypart of the oven.Residuefromovencleanerswill damagethe insideof theoven whenthe
self-cleancycle baused.
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket
is essential fbr a good seal. Care should be
token not to rub, damage or move tile gasket.
Befbre self cleaning tile oven, remove the
broiler pan, grid and other cookwam.
Be sine to wipe up excess spillage befbre
starting tile self cleaning ope_,'ation.
If the self cleaning mode malfimctions, turn the
oven off and disconnect the power suppl}: Have
it serficed by a qualified technician.
Clean only parts listed in this Owner's Manual.