Using Your Coo top
ICadia_ l ( ooklop
surface units
The controls for the radiant surface units allow
tot 11 ditterent heat settings: I,(m, 1-9 and
High. The heating element may not visibly
glow at low heat settings.
guide jot
using heat
High (H) - Best fi)r larger pans; brings liqtfids
to a boil faster.
Medium High (7-9) - Fast fiT; pan broil;
maintains a tast boil on large amotmts of food.
Medimn (4-6) - Saut_ and brown; maintains a
slow boil on large amotmts of fl)od.
Medium Low (2-3) - Cook atter starting at
high; cooks with little water in covered pan.
Low (1) - Steam rice, cereal; maintains serving
temperature of most fl)ods. Slow cooking and
sire m ering.
Lowest (L) - Keeps food warm, melts chocolate
and butter.
• Nexer leaxe food tmattended, goilovers cause
sm okin_," ,greasy. spillox ers may catch on fire.
• It is safe to place hot cookware from tile
oxen or sm'thce traits on the glass sm'thce
when it is cool. Never place cookwaxe on
the control area.
NOTE: Cookt@ temp(_mture,s increase with the
number (ff su@.e unil,s that a_ on. With 3 or more
units turaed ot_, su@_ce temperatures a_. hig'h so be
ca_@d when touchir_g" the cooklop. ,4tier the su@_ce
unit i,s turr_ed @ lhe hot su@.:e iadicator lig'ht will
remain lit unlil the su@.:e has cooh.d below 150 ° E
su fitce unit
To tm'n on a single stu'face trait:
Touch the ON/OFF pad, then touch the
(+)/(-) pad. The stuTace unit will tm'n on
to power setting H when (+) is pressed or to
power setting i, when (-) is pressed.
2. Use tile (+)/(-) pads to choose the desired
power _settin_, The control will beep each
time a pad is touched.
To tm'n off a standard surtace trait, touch the
()N/OFF pad again.
Dual su@tce
The dual sm'thce traits have pan sizing sensors
which will automatically set the small or large
sm'thce unit to match the size of vom" pan
when the pan detection feature [] is
actiw_ted (see the U,sir_g"the par_ detectior_ fi, ature
and I:',si_g"the pat_ sizi_g"fi, ature sections).
To oxerride the automatic pan sizing sensor
and select the small or large sm'tace trait:
1. Touch the dual surtace trait ON/OFF pad.
2. Use the (+)/(-) pad to set the desired power
settin ,
3. Touch the SIZE SEI,ECT pad once to mrn
on the large sm'thce trait. Touch the pad
again to turn on the small surtace unit.
When the indicator light next to the SIZE
SEI,ECT pad is on, the laroe_ surface unit is on.
X_hen it is off, the small surtace unit is on.
To tm'n the (hml sm'fi_ce trait off, touch the
ON/OFF pad.