Home Canning Tips
Radiaat ( oohtop
Observe the
points in
Noto: Flat-bottomed
canners are required
for glass cooktops.
When canning with wate>bath or pressure
cannel; largei_diameter pots may be used.
This is because boiling water temperatures
(even under pressure) are not harmflfl to
tile cooktop surfaces surrounding tile
surface units.
FOODS OTHER THAN _4;¢TER. Most syrup or
sauce mixtures--and all types of fl'ying--cook
at temperatures much higher than boiling
water. Such temperatures could eventually
harm tile glass cooktop surfaces.
1. Be sure tile canner fits over tile center of tile
surface unit. If your cooktop or its location
does not allow tile canner to be centered on
the surtace unit, use smallei_diameter pots
for good canning results.
2. Flat-bottomed canners must be used. Do not
use canners with flanged or rippled bottoms
(olteIl fo/lnd iI1 enaulelwai'e) because they
don't make enough contact with tile surthce
units and take a long time to boil water.
3. When canning, use recipes and procedures
from reputable sources. Reliable recipes
and procedures are available fl'oln tile
U/}lnUt_lCtllI'eI" of }'()Ill" C}llllleI'; ll/}lllllt_lCtUI'eI'S
of glass jars for canning, such as Ball and
Kerr brand; and tile United States
Department of Agriculture Extension
4. Remember that canning is a process that
generates large amounts of steam. To avoid
burns ti'om steam or heat, be careflll when
NOTE: (/your house has low vollag'e, caaair_t{" mc9'
take lo_N'er thar_ e@ected, ever_ lhout{'h directior_s
have been ca@all 3',fidh*wed. The process lime will be
shorter*ed @:
(1) usb_g" a/m,,_:_u*_¢canne*; aad
(2) slartir_t{"with HOT t@ walerJbr /(I,slest healb_g"
0/la*_w quar_tities of ware*:
Right! Wrong!
• Safe cmmhlg requires that harmful
microorgauisms aye destroyed and that the
jars aye sealed completely. When cmming
foods in a water-bath cromer, a gentle but
steady boil must be maintained for the
required time. When cmnfing foods in
a pressure cromer, the pressure must be
maintained for the required time.
• After you have adjusted the controls, it is
very important to make sure the prescribed
boil or pressure levels are maintained for
the required time.
• Since you must make sure to process the
cmufing jars for the prescribed time, with
no interruption in processing thne, do not
cml on any cooktop surface unit if your
cromer is not flat.
• Line bonne raise en conserve implique la
destruction de tous les microorgauismes et
mm bmme fermeture du pot. Si vous mettez
en conserve des aliments dans m_ appaaceil de
raise en conserve au bahl-Maxie, vous devez
entreteuir m_ bouillmmement l_ger, maJs
constant, pendant tout le temps requis.
• Apr_s avoir ajust6 les contr61es, vous devez
absolmnent vous assurer que les niveaux
prescrits de pression et de temperature soient
maintenus pendmlt tout le temps requis.
• Comme vous devez r_chauffer les pots de
conserve pendmat tout le temps requis smas
aucm_e interruption pendant le temps de
traitement, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la
table de cuisson de votre four pour faire
des conserves si le fond de votre appareil de
raise en conserve n'est pas absolmnent plat.