
-2- G7153 Universal Bender
The Model G7153 Heavy-Duty Universal Bender
is shipped from the manufacturer in a carefully
packed carton. If you discover the tool is dam-
aged after you’ve signed for delivery,
please call
Customer Service immediately for advice.
Save the containers and all packing materials for
possible inspection by the carrier or its agent.
Otherwise filing a freight claim can be difficult.
When you are completely satisfied with the con-
dition of your shipment, you should inventory its
Refer to the attached parts list and make certain
you have all the parts and dies included with this
bending tool. If any components are missing,
contact Customer Service.
In the event that any non-proprietary parts are
missing (e.g. a nut or a washer), we would be
glad to replace them, or, for the sake of expedi-
ency, replacements can be obtained at your local
hardware store.
The cast iron and other unpainted parts of the
Model G7153 may be coated with a waxy oil that
protects them from corrosion during shipment.
Remove the protective coating with mineral spir-
its and paper towels.
The G7153 Universal Bender must be securely
mounted to a solid surface before using.
Operating the tool for certain operations will
require exerting considerable force on the han-
dle, thus it is essential that the tool be mounted to
a heavy or immovable work bench or other work
surface. Be certain there will be adequate clear-
ance for the entire range of motion of the handle
with no potential pinch points for the operator’s
FFoollllooww tthhee ssaaffeettyy rruulleess lliisstteedd bbeellooww wwhheenn
wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh ssoollvveennttss::
Read and follow all directions and warn-
ings on the solvent label.
Work only in a well ventilated area.
Do not work near any type of open flame
(e.g., pilot lights, kerosene heaters, and
so on).
smoke while working with flam-
mable material.
Paper towels from the cleaning process
are extremely combustible. Dispose of
waste towels so they do not create a fire
SSeerriioouuss ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy mmaayy
Do not use gasoline or other petroleum based
solvents because of their extremely low flash
points. Do not use chlorine-based solvents – if
you happen to splash some onto a painted
surface, you’ll ruin the finish.