several minutes later it starts again and stops automatically again. With in
cycles like this and the motor, or starter, and thermal protection unit will
burn up after a long time. The main reason is: the motor coil is shorted at
some parts.
Second, the freezer operates a certain time after starting, but it will stop
automatically before the temperature reduces before the desired
temperature is reached. After several minutes, it will start again, and the
electricity consumption increases bad. The reason is that the insulation
around the motor windings bad.
12.3 Service and technical requirements of a R134a freezer
12.3.1 Refrigeration equipment requirements
The compressor, condenser, evaporator, drying filter must be special for
R134a freezer and not be confused.
12.3.2 Repair equipment Requirements
(1) The evacuation and fill machine is special only for R134a use.
(2) Other equipment (such as pressure gauge) has no special requirements,
but once it is used for R134a freezer, it can be no longer for other use.
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
12.3.3 Service procedure
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