condenser, fan, compressor and temperature controller. Wipe clean and
avoid damaging pipes and electrical parts.
(2) Switch on power and check the freezer operation. If not normal, check
and repair.
(3) Check all brazing connections. If the black paint has peeled off and
there is rust, please grind the surface slightly using No.0 grinding paper.
When the rust is removed, wipe it with clean towel. Then take a brush
and dip in alcoholic paint and paint the welded points and pipes.
(4) Check the casters and change if there is any damage.
(5) Check the power cord, if there is any wear or damage, please change.
(6) Take an avometer and check if the resistance of ground resistor is
(7) Check the insulation by using, if it is abnormal; please check the circuit
and various components.
(8) If the trademark is damaged or lost, please change with new Haier
(9) Wipe the inside and outside of freezer clean. If freezer will be off for a
long time, wipe water away, and put the freezer into a plastic bag and
leave it at a dry warehouse with good air convection and a level floor.
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
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