Disconnect from electricity and gas before servicing. Check ap pli ance is safe when you have finished
Schematic diagram of the Range
Caution: Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous
operation. Verify proper operation after servicing.
Code Description
CFM Convection Fan Motor
COO Cooling Fan
IGS Ignition switches
ISG Ignition spark generator
LBE Left hand bottom element
LFE Left hand fan element
LTI Left hand top inner element
LTO Left hand top outer element
LOS Left hand oven switch block
MFM Multi Function Oven Fan Motor
NLI Neon indicator light
OTL Left hand oven thermostat
OTR Right hand oven thermostat
OVL Oven light bulb
ROE Right hand oven element
RSB Right hand oven switch block
TCK Timer clock
TCO Thermal cut out
OLS Oven Light Switch
Code Color
BK Black
BL Blue
BR Brown
GY Grey
O Orange
R Red
V Violet
W White
Y Yellow