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Intelligent Image Capture:
typedef struct
DWORD dwStructSize; Size of HHP_INTEL_IMG structure in bytes.
DWORD dwAspectRatio; Ratio of barcode height to minimum barcode element width.
LONG nOffsetX; Offset from barcode center to the image window center in X
direction, relative to barcode center in minimum barcode units.
LONG nOffsetY; Offset from barcode center to the image window center in Y
direction, relative to barcode center in minimum barcode units.
DWORD dwWidth; Width of image in minimum barcode units.
DWORD dwHeight; Height of image in minimum barcode units.
SIZE maxImgSize; Maximum width and height for resulting intelligent image in pix-
els. Image size is guaranteed not to exceed either dimension.
BOOL bSendBinary; Have reader binarize data before transfer.
Serial Port Config:
typedef struct _tagHHP_SERIAL_PORT_CONFIG
DWORD dwStructSize; Size of HHP_SERIAL_PORT_CONFIG structure in bytes.
HHP_BAUD_RATE baudRate; Baud rate for connection. NOTE: Reader always powers up at
115200. The 5X00 Series changes the baud rate to this value
once it connects at 115200. Also, the SDK will not allow you to
connect at bauds above 115200 for WinCE unless the port
driver is sio950.dll (high speed driver for sio950 chipset).
HHP_DATA_BITS dataBits; Number of data bits.
HHP_PARITY parity; Parity.
HHP_STOP_BITS stopBits; Number of stop bits.
BOOL bAutoBaud; Not supported in the IT4500.
Imager capabilities structure – Items are read only:
typedef struct _tagHHP_IMAGER_CAPS
DWORD dwStructSize; Size of HHP_IMAGE_CAPS structure in bytes.
SIZE fullImgSize; Size of image captured by imager before cropping and subsam-
DWORD dwImgrBpp; Bits per pixel of image captured by imager.
DECODER_TYPE decoderType; Level of symbology support in the imager’s decoder.
IMAGER_TYPE imagerType; Decoded Out Serial, Decoded Out USB, Non-Decoded Out.
Imager Type (decoded out or non decoded out)
typedef enum
HHP_UNKNOWN_IMAGER Unable to determine engine type.
HHP_DECODED_IMAGER_4080 Serial (RS-232) 4080 imager with internal decoder.
HHP_DECODED_IMAGER_4080_USB USB serial 4080 imager with internal decoder
HHP_NON_DECODED_IMAGER_4000 Incorporated 4000 imager.
HHP_DECODED_IMAGER_5080VGA USB serial 5080 VGA imager with internal decoder.
HHP_DECODED_IMAGER_5080VGA_USB Serial (RS-232) 5080 VGA imager with internal decoder and
HHP_NON_DECODED_IMAGER_5000VGA Incorporated 5000 VGA imager.