Roasting is COOking by clry heat.
Tender meat
or poultry can be
roasteduncoveredin youroven.
shouldbe lf)wand steady,keep
spatteringto a minimum. When
roasting,it is notnecessary to
sear, baste, coveror add water
to your meat.
Roastingis really a baking
bvencontrolsare set to BAKE.
(Youmayhear a siightclicking
sound, indicating the ovenis
workingproperly.) Roastingis
easy;just followthese steps:
Step 1: Check weightof meat, and
place, fat side up, on roasting rack
in a shallowpan. (Broiler pan with
rack is a good pan for this.) Line
broilerpan with durninum foti when
using pan for marinating, cooking
with fruits, cooking heavilycured
meats, or for basting foodduring
cooking. AvoidspiIIingthese
materials on oven liner or door.
Step 2: Place in ovenon shelf in
A or B position. No preheating is
Step 4: Most meatscontinueto
cook slightlywhile standing,after
beingremovedfromthe oven.
Standingtime recommendedfor
roastsis 10to 20 minutesto allow
roast to firm up and makeit easier
to carve. Internal temperaturewill
rise about5° to 10”F.;to compensate
for temperaturerise, if desired,
removeroastfromovenat5°to 10”F.
less than temperatureon guide.
N~E: Youmaywish to use TIME
BAKE, as described on page 16,to
turn ovenon and offautomatically.
Remember that food will continue
to cookin the hot ovenandtherefore
shouldbe removedwhenthedesired
internaltemperaturehas been
For Rozen Ross@
QFrozen roasts of beef, pork,
lamb, etc., can be started without
thawing,but allow
per pound additionaltime (10
minutes per pound for roasts under
5 pounds, more time for larger
@Thaw most frozen poult~ybefore
roasting to ensure evendoneness.
Some commercial frozen poultry
can be cooked successfullywithout
t}lawing,Followdirections given
on packer’s label.
A. Checking the finished internal
temperatu~eat the compilationof
cookingtime is recommended.
Temperaturesare shownin Roasting
Guide on oppositepage. For roasts
over 8 pounds, cooked at 300”F.
with reduced time, check with
thermometer at half-hour intervals
after half the time has passed.
Q. v~hy is my !rQastCrumbling
when I try to carve it?
.A.Roastsare easier to slice if
allowedto cool 10to20 minutes
after removingfrom oven.Be sure
to cut across the grain of the meat.
Q. Do I need to preheat my
oven each time I cook a roast
or poultry?
A. It is rarely necessary to preheat
your oven, only for very small
roasts, which cook a short length
of lime.
buy;.llga roast,are
there anyspecialtipsthatwould
help nle COOIKMmore evenly’?
A. Yes.Buy a roast as even in
thickness as possible, or buy rolled
Q. can I seal the sides of my foil
“tent” when roasting a turl<ey?
A. Sealing the foil will steam the
meat. Leavingit unsealed allowsthe
air to circulate and brow~~the meat.
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